Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Coach is back again.

Hi to all,

Well the last five years has been a crazy time in my life, with lots of ups and downs. But, I am still standing. After all of the bullshit I am still here. Life is just that way. Life is filled with lots of disappointment and loss, but it also has its times of great joy and happiness. Life is a wave we all have to ride, so grab your board and let's go. Enjoy the great times and over come the bad times, and with every new wave enjoy the adventure.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

It's been a long time.

I am back!

Lots of stuff going on in my life. Life is crazy sometimes. Ok, I'll be posting my workouts and some thoughts I have on strength training. I am a certified Westside Barbell coach and I very much follow the Westside way, but I also train alot of police man and military guys, as well as runners and tri athletes. I also train football players at Reno High school, which is one the largest high school in the Reno area. So, I have developed lots of different styles of training for each of the athletes I train, but I always fall back on my Westside foundation.

Monday's training:

Lat rolling with a foam roller.

Barbell Sitting behind the neck shoulder Press- Pins set at ear height.
1 warm up with the bar x10 reps.  6 sets x 3 reps starting at 95 lbs.  I went up to 165 x 3 reps.
I tried 185 and got 1 reps.   All reps are stop and go at the bottom. No bouncing on the pins.

Sitting db shoulder Press- Most reps in 2 mins. I got 65 reps with 30 lbs db's.

Phipps laterals- hold the db's like your doing hammer curls at the mid way point, and then raise the elbows until your elbow and the db's are parallel with the floor.  4 x 10

Cable chest pulls- 4x12

Abs- Rocky sit ups- 40 reps, Hip Ups- 35
