I am back!
Lots of stuff going on in my life. Life is crazy sometimes. Ok, I'll be posting my workouts and some thoughts I have on strength training. I am a certified Westside Barbell coach and I very much follow the Westside way, but I also train alot of police man and military guys, as well as runners and tri athletes. I also train football players at Reno High school, which is one the largest high school in the Reno area. So, I have developed lots of different styles of training for each of the athletes I train, but I always fall back on my Westside foundation.
Monday's training:
Lat rolling with a foam roller.
Barbell Sitting behind the neck shoulder Press- Pins set at ear height.
1 warm up with the bar x10 reps. 6 sets x 3 reps starting at 95 lbs. I went up to 165 x 3 reps.
I tried 185 and got 1 reps. All reps are stop and go at the bottom. No bouncing on the pins.
Sitting db shoulder Press- Most reps in 2 mins. I got 65 reps with 30 lbs db's.
Phipps laterals- hold the db's like your doing hammer curls at the mid way point, and then raise the elbows until your elbow and the db's are parallel with the floor. 4 x 10
Cable chest pulls- 4x12
Abs- Rocky sit ups- 40 reps, Hip Ups- 35