Monday, June 20, 2011

New work out for the ladies

 The Domestic Goddess Workout-
You should be able to do this workout in less then an hour.

Day 1-
Ball Squats (use 15-20 lbs. Db's in each hand) 3x15 These should be done with your weight on your heels, and your back as straight as possible. Go as low as you can, but not below parallel.
Leg curls- 3x15
Calf raises- Do these one leg at a time with a Db in the same hand as the leg you're working. 3x15 on each leg.
Lat pull downs (use a wide grip) 3x10
Db curls- 3x10
Abs- Denise Austin hip lifts- 25 reps, Denise Austin crunches (knees bent, hands crossed over your chest and keep your chin up and just lift your back off the floor) Do 20 reps, Toe touches- Legs are held straight up at 90 degrees and then reach up and try to touch you toes with your fingers, if you can't get all the way up that's ok. Do 15 reps.

Day 2
Leg press- 3x15 Feet should be placed up high on the platform.
Glute raises- Tie a exercise band around a pole or a machine, or use a cable machine and a ankle strap, Stand up straight and place your hands on the machine or pole for support, and then raise your leg straight back keeping your knee straight, and not bent, raise your leg as high as you can and then lower it slowly. Do 3x15 on each leg.
Abduction machine- do 3x15 If you have one.
Push ups off your knees- 3x10 keep your butt down and back flat.
Tricep push downs- (use a cable machine or a band) keep your elbows next to your body and push straight down without leaning forward too much. Do 3x15
Laterals- Use very light db's 5-10 lbs. and raise the db from your sides to just below parallel keeping your arms straight, don't raise these above parallel. 3x12
Abs- Same as the first day.

Cardio on off days- 30 mins of spinning, stair master, or other cardo machine.

Day three- Do Plyo card work out. Use three cards for each exercise. Don't do squat jumps of jumping lunges if you have knee issues, instead do body weight squats to a chair.

Have fun,

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