Monday, July 28, 2014

Jenna's workouts 7/21- 7/22

HIT (High intensity training) Bench: (these are done with a very slow descent and then blast the weight up) 5x10. You should fail on every set, the last rep should be hell.

Pec Deck- 3x12
Incline Flyes- 3x10

HIT Standing Shoulder Press- 3x7-10
Db Front Raise to Laterals- 3x10

French Press- 3x10
Skull Crushers- 3x10

Abs- Bent Knee Sit Ups- 35, DA (Denise Austin's Hip ups) 50


Supported Rows- 4x10
Db Rows- 4x12

T Bar Rows- 3x10
Db Shrugs- 3x15

Barbell High Pulls (upright rows) 3x10
Db Hammer Curls- 3x10

Arnold Curls- 3x8
Alternate Db Curls- 3x10

Abs- Weighted Bent Knee Sit Ups- 3x25

I am sorry for being such a slacker lately. These are tough workouts, but they will build hard firm bodies. Have fun.

Coach George W. Phipps 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jenna's Figure Workout for Tue 7/15

Hang Cleans- 5x5
Kettlebell Deadlift High Pulls- 3x15 (Jenna started at 50 lbs, and went up to 75 lbs.)
Pull Ups- 4x10
Db Rows- 4x12

Db High Pulls (upright rows) 3x12
Arrow Pulls- 3x15

Ez Bar Curls- 3x10
Banded Sitting Curls with your elbows on the bench, or you can do these with a cable machine.

Abs- Body Curls- 25 reps, ab wheel- 25, Toe Touches

Have Fun Ladies.

Coach George W. Phipps 

Jenna's figure Monday 7/14

Bench press- 8, 8, 6, 6, 4  add weight to each set, the last set should be a max effort set.
Ring Dips- 4x10

Incline Db Bench- 3x10
Incline Db Flyes- 3x10

Laterals- 3x10

Tri Death- One Big Superset
Overhead Tri Extensions with bands or cable- 3x15
Db French Press- 3x10
Skull Crushers- 3x10

Abs- Ab Wheel- 15, Denise Austin's Hip Ups- 25, Toe Touches- 25 reps

Great Workout.

Coach George W. Phipps


Monday, July 7, 2014

Raw Powerlifting- Dumb as hell!

For the last ten years there has been a raise of guys doing "RAW" powerlifting, which is doing the three lifts: squat, bench and deadlift without supportive gear. In the early sixties when powerlifting began as a sport guys mostly lifted raw, but there were some guys who were willing to try almost anything to help increase their lifts, which included using towels for knee wraps and tennis balls duct taped behind the knees to help get out of the hole on squats, but mostly guys lifted "raw". It only took a few years before guys started using ace bandages on their knees and elbows to help give them some support. The old ace bandage wasn't much for support, but it was better than nothing.

As the lifters got stronger the injuries increased dramatically. Once a lifters approaches 2 1/2 to 3 times their body weight in the squat and 2 times their body weight in the bench the risk of major injury increases dramatically. In the seventies and early eighties pec tears, shoulder injuries, torn quads and hamstrings, as well as torn triceps were common place at major competitions. The reason for the advancement in knee wraps, bench shirts, and squats suits in the beginning was to help prevent these often career ending injuries.

Bench shirts, squat suits, and knee wraps add weight to the lifts and there is no arguing this fact, but what is wrong with that, especially when the "gear" helps prevent serious injuries. Can you image Tiger Woods using wooden shafts for his golf clubs, or how about pole vaulter's using bamboo poles again, and why not? Because its stupid pure and simple. so, why is it a good thing for golfers to continue to hit the ball farther and farther, and pole vaulters to jump higher and higher, but its not ok for powerlifters and strongmen to lift bigger weights. Notice I included strongmen with powerlifters, and that is because the "World's Strongest Men" use gear. They use squat suits under their shorts and shirts. They use straps, and knee wraps as well as elbow sleeves, yet I never hear anyone say they are not the strongest men in the world.

In my humble opinion lifting "raw" in competitive powerlifting is just plain stupid, and those who do so accept for a very small percentage will end up having a major injury, which in a lot of cases will end their careers. Five years ago I ran a small cash invitational here in Reno. I invited 25 of the best lifters in the area, one of them was one of the best in the world at the time, Big Chad Aichs. The meet allowed squat briefs because two of the main lifters had injuries to their hips, but the rest of the meet was raw. The reason for the raw lifting was so that my son and I could compete heads up, otherwise I would have destroyed him in a bench shirt and I wanted the playing field to be as fair as possible for him and I. The meet was a blast but unfortunately two of my lifters suffered pec tears. Big Chad tore his pec and my close friend Darwin English suffered a career ending pec tear. I have tore both of my pec's raw benching the left one a total detachment and the right one a partial detachment.

Raw powerlifting is not a step forward, but instead a huge step backward. I hope one day powerlifting will be run like the "World's Strongman" contest. One fed and one set of rules with limited gear, but gear allowed for the safety of the lifters to lift the biggest weights possible.

Coach George W. Phipps                

Jenna's Figure wednesday

Banded Squat Jumps- 4x10
Ryan Prowler Pushes- 2-45, 2-25 3sets 25 yards down and back.
Long Jumps- 3 sets of 25 yards down and back. You must jump as far as you can on each jump, otherwise you wasting your time.
Lopes Hams- 3x12
Db Single Leg Stiffs- 3x10
Calf Raises- 3x20
Abs- Crunches- 100 reps

Great workout, which left Jenna and my girls sore and hurting for three days. Have fun! LOL!

Coach George W. Phipps