Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Desert Dogs Motocross Training- Monday and Tuesday


Db Floor Bench- 3x12
Shoulder Press- 3x10
Laterals- 3x10
Superset: Dips- 3x10, Banded Overhead Extensions- 3x10

Banded Sprints (green band) These are done with two people, one person holds a large "Jump Stretch" band (green or grey) around his partners waist. The person with the band around their waist then tries to sprint a short distance as fast as possible while his partner holds him back with the band for tension. Once you reach your distance turn around and back peddle back with your partner still holding you back with the band. The bands are so strong that it's possible to hold you partner back so much that he or she can't run. This is not the goal. The goal is to hold them back enough to make them work hard. These are butt kickers. We normally sprint 25 or 40 yards. We did: 3x30 yards. Make sure to fully recover between sets.
Circuit- Nordic Trac- 10 mins, Stationary Bike- 10 mins, Jump Rope- 10 mins

Abs- Body Curls- 30 reps


Db Curls- 3x10 Curls are always done first to pre-exhaust the biceps and limit their help in the back work.
Db Supported Rows- 3x12
Shoulder Shrugs- 3x15
Arrow Pulls- 3x15
Reverse Db Curls- 3x10


Kettlebell Get Ups- (20 lbs bell) 8 reps on each arm.
Mountain Climbers- 20 reps on each leg
Jumping Jacks- 50 reps
Side Step Ups- 20 reps on each leg
Squat Jumps- 15 reps

Do one exercise after another until done, no break. Rest and then start again. We did 3 sets.

Abs- 50 V-Ups

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