Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Chest Shoulders and Tri's for Senna

Ok Girl, Here we go!

Db Bench press- 4x10

Db Front Raises- (straight arms db's raised above your eyes) 3x10

Db side laterals- 3x10

Pec Deck or Incline Db Flyes- 3x10

Dips- 3x10

Db Skull Crushers- 3x10

Abs- Arnold Knees to Chest- 40, Denise Austin Hip Ups- 35

Have fun,
Coach Phipps

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What's the Old Man Up Too?

Hi Everyone,

Well I have been very busy trying to make a living. My personal training business is doing well. I hope to be opening the doors on my new gym June 15, Lord willing. It will be great to finally have my own gym. My goal is to become the WESTSIDE of Northern Nevada with a little bit of CT Fletcher's Metro Flex thrown in for good measure. Our solgan will be: "Phipps Power and Fitness, where athletes come to be great and women come to be fit."

Tonight's Training:
Shoulder warm ups- Rope Whips and Overhead Circles: 3x15, and 3x10.

Bent Over Side Laterals- 3x12

Standing Shoulder Press- 6x8-10 worked up to 155x2x8. (goal is 225x10)

Banded Side Laterals- monster mini band- 3x15

Mentzer Style perfect push Ups- 4x8-10

I am recovering from a bad chest cold, so tonight was the first night back in over a week. Also, I have been rehabing my right shoulder for over a year after a motorcycle crash. I am finally starting to get my mojo back. Stay tuned.

Coach Phipps

Friday, May 13, 2016

Legs and Butt for Senna

Ok here we go.

Db Box Squats (you can  use a bench) 3x15 +25 db in each hand.
Plyo Lunges- + 10 lbs dbs- 3x12
Step ups with db (15 lbs. ) 3x12
Calf Raises on a machine or with Db- 3x20
Stair Master or stepper- 10 mins
Abs- Rocky Sit Ups- 50 reps

Have Fun,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Upper Back and Cardio for Senna

Ok Girl here we go.

Lat pull Downs- 3x10

Db Rows- 3x12

Db Rows- 3x10

Db Curls- 3x10

Treadmill- walk for 5 mins, run for 3 mins, walk for 5 mins.

Abs- V-Ups- 30, Toe Touches- 25

Have Fun,

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Chest shoulders and Tri's for Senna

Hi Senna.

Ok let's do some work. This is a circuit.

Db Bench Press- 10 reps
Alternate Db Shoulder press- 10 reps,
Db Laterals- 10 reps
Tri Push Downs- 15 reps,
Close Grip Tri Push Ups- 10 reps
Bent Knee Sit Ups- 25 reps

Do 3-4 sets.

Have Fun!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Full Body work out for Senna

Ok here we go.

Db Side Bends- 3x15 use some weight on these.

Back Extensions- 3x15 + weight

Db High Pulls- 3x10

Mountain Climbers- 3x25

Burpees- 3x10

Toe Touches- 2x35

Have fun,


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Leg day for Senna

Ok Ladies her we go.

Walking Lunges- Use 10 or 15 lbs. db lunge for 20 yards down and back.
Leg Press- 3x15
Leg Curls- 3x15
Calf Raises- 3x15
Tread mill: running 3 mins fast, walk for 3 mins and then run again for 3 mins, and then walk again for 3 mins. Do this for three times on each.

Abs- Rocky Sit ups- 40 reps

Have fun,

Monday, May 2, 2016

For Senna

Upper Body circuit.

Push Ups- 10 reps,
Db Push Press- use 10 or 15 lbs. db x 10 reps
Laterals- Use 10 lbs db- 10 reps
Db Rows- 15 reps
Db High Pulls- 10 reps
French Presses- use 10- 15 lbs x10 reps.
Db Curls- 10 reps
Bent Knee Sit Ups- 20 reps

Do 3 sets. Try not to rest between exercises.

Have fun,