Friday, January 4, 2013

The Guys- Wednesday and Thursday

Squats- warm ups x 5 reps then 1 heavy warm up at 3 reps. Then do 2-3 singles. Finish with a max effort single. I went 455x1. Then do 1 sets at 82.5% x failure. I went 385x9. Dan did a real nice set of 425x5.
Heavy  Step Ups- 3x6. We went up to 65's lbs. db's in each hand.
Banded Leg Curls- (blue bands) 3x15
Abs- Phipps sits- 25 reps, V-ups- 30 reps.

Floor Bench- warm ups x5's. Do 1 heavy warm up x3, then do 2-3 singles. I went 335x1, and then did one set at 82.5% x failure. I went 265x8.
Feet on the Bench Push Ups- (use bands orange, or grey) 3x10-12
Laterals- 3x10
Superset- French Press- 3x10, Overhead Banded Tri Extensions- 3x15 (orange, green or grey)
Abs- Crunches- 30, Body Curls- 25, Ab Wheel- 15

The last two days have been good. The workouts have been hard but good. We welcomed a new member to the group, Ashley, who has big time strength for a small girl. I hope all of you are having a good first week of the new year.

Coach George W Phipps   

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