Friday, December 30, 2016

Chest and Back Day

Ok Everyone,

Here is our chest and back day.

Db Floor Bench- 4x10
Dips- 3x10
Plate Raises- 3x12
Pec Deck- 3x12
Pull Ups- 3x10
Db Rows- 3x10 Heavy use some weight on these.
Db Shrugs- 3x15
Abs- Bent Knee Sit Ups- 2x50


Monday, December 26, 2016

Leg Day for Brad and everyone else

Start by doing ten mins of cardio. Don't be shy push it a little bit.

Wide Stance Squats- Your feet should be at least 4-6 inches wider than your shoulders.
Do 5x6. Start light and work up to something heavy for the last 2 sets. Sit back on these, push your butt back and keep your chest up.

Leg Press- 3x20

Leg Curls- 4x15

Jump Rope- 3x2 mins

Abs- V-Ups- 65 reps

Have fun everyone,

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Monday- For Brad and everyone else

Chest and Shoulders

Db Bench Press- do 4x10
Incline Barbell Bench Press- (Keep your elbows out on these and keep the bar close to your chin as you lower the bar.) Do 4x10
Flat Db Flyes- 3x10
Plate Front Raises- 3x10
Laterals- 3x10

Abs- Bent Knee Sit Ups- 75 reps

Have fun everyone,

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Max Effort Squats and deadlift stuff

Box Squats- Set the box at parallel.
Warm Ups- do 3-4 sets of 5 reps going up each set. Then do 3 reps and then singles until you max out.
Db Squat Jumps- 3x10 use 20 lbs db's

Heavy Back Extensions with db for added weight. Do 3x12

Db Side bends- 3x15 Use some weight on these. One db lowered to the knee and then back up. Stay square don't twist the shoulders.

No Abs!

Have fun


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Bench Press day

Ok everyone here we go again.

Db Floor Bench- do 5x10 start out light and work up to something heavy the last set you should fail on rep nine or ten.

Tricep work- Barbell Skull Crushers to your chin- 4x10

Cable Tri Push downs- 3x15

Shoulder Plate Raises- 4x10 make sure you go above your head on these. Go slow nice and controlled.

Wide Grip Pull Ups- 4x10

Bent Knee Sit Ups- 65 reps

Have fun!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Lets build some arms.

Ez Bar Curls- 4x10
Alternate Db Curls- 4x10
Db Skull Crushers- 4x10
Tri Cable Push Downs- 4x15

Abs- Toe Touches- 40, Denise Austin style Hip Ups- 40 reps

Have Fun!


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bench Press day

Ok everyone and Brad,

Here we go.

Shoulder warm ups-

Do db pull overs from the floor- 3x15
Use a foam roller and roll your lats- 3x5
Bent Over side laterals- 3x10

Bench Press- follow the reps- 10, 10, 8, 6, 6 add weight to every set.

Incline Db Bench Press- 3x10

Db Alternate Shoulder Press- 3x10

Pull Ups- 4x10

Db Rows- 3x12

Abs- Rocky Sit Ups- 75 reps

Have fun,

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bench work out for Brad and everyone else

Warm up- Roll the lats with a foam roller 5 times on each side.
Bent over side laterals- 3x15
Db Front Raises- 3x10

Bench Press- 10, 10, 8, 8, 6

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs- 4x10

Db Alternate Shoulder Press- 3x10

Cable Tri Push Downs- 3x15

Db Skull Crushers from the floor- 3x12

Bent Knee Sit Ups- 50 reps

Have fun,