Friday, March 30, 2012


Banded Db Box Squats- (use heavy band tension on these) 75 lbs Db in each hand. Warm ups x 7 reps, then 3x7 with heavy band tension.
Deadlift opener (90-92%) Do two or three warm up sets x5 then do 3x1 at 90-92%.
Leg curls- 3x15
Abs- Body Curls- 40 reps, Denise Austins- 20 reps.

Joey and Coach-
Geared Squats- warm ups- 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5, 405x3, 425x3. Gear on. Inzer hardcore double ply, inzer briefs. Coach- 495x3, 525x2, 545x2, 585x1, 545x2. Joey- 495x3, 525x2.
Joey- Deadlift opener- 3x1
Coach- I benched because I missed Tuesday. Several warm ups x5 reps, then Karins Db ply denim 345x3 3boards, 365x3 3 boards, 385x2 2 boards, 405x2x2 1board.

Tonight was great. Lots of hard work and good lifting. I love Thursday nights. We are 5 weeks out from competing in the USPA meet in Las Vegas.       


Upper back and Biceps-

Db Alternate Curls- 4x10
Banded Lat Pull Downs- 3x15
Single Arm Db Rows- 3x10
Db High Pulls (upright rows) - 3x7
Abs- Body Curls- 30 reps, Butte Sit ups- 25 reps with weight on the head.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday Night


Raw Bench Max- warm ups- 50%x5, 60%x5, 70%x5, 80%x3, 90%x1, try for a new max.
Several of the guys PR'ed tonight.
Db Floor Bench- do a couple of sets to get the feel, then try for a 5 reps max. Work until you can't go any heavier.
Alternate Db shoulder Press- 1 warm ups x5, then 2x5 Go heavy!
AichsTri's- 4x10
Abs- Crunches 25reps, Butte style sit ups- 20 reps.

Tonight was a good night for everyone. I will bench on Thursday. I have a funeral I have to prepare for tomorrow.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Thursday's workout

Box Squats- several warm up sets x 5 reps. Then Inzer Briefs on, 405x5, 455x3, 495x3, 525x2

Rack Pulls- (Pins at mid shin) 315x5, 405x5, 455x3, 495x2

Abs- Toe Touches 25, V-ups 25, Ab wheel- 15 

New stuff about me

Please check out Barry Elwood's Kempo Karate site. Barry and I are great friends and he is helping to provote my training business. Here is the link about my ISSA training.

My contact information:  

Very soon I'll have my own web site dedicated to my personal training business. I'll keep all of you posted on when that site will be up. I will continue to post my personal workouts on this forum for all of you. I am sorry I 've been gone for so long.

Coach Phipps  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I am back

Hi everyone,

I am sorry that I have been away for so long. My old computer was destroyed, and I had some personal issues that have prevented me from posting until now. I hope to be able to keep all of you updated from  here on out about my training, and what the guys are doing that train with me.

Coach Phipps