Thursday, November 7, 2013


Hi Everyone,

Well, today was the first day of the World's for us. Kyle Herzik started things off. Kyle liftes in the Class 1 220 division. Kyle was second in the bench press with a 407 bench, and had a very close attempt at 424. Kyle benched the 424 but it was turned down two red lights to one white light. The three judges use lights to show what they thought of the lift, red lights are bad, but white lights are good. Two or three white lights means the lift was good, but two or three reds means the lift was bad. They said Kyle double dipped with the bar on the way up. Oh well. Kyle won the deadlifts with a very nice 529.

I made weight. I lift in the Men's Masters 47-53 198 class. You can't weigh more than 198.2 and I weighed in at exactly 198.2. I lift tomorrow after noon, so I will post the results tomorrow.

I hope all of you are doing well.

Coach George Phipps