Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday Feb 25, 2016

Hi Everyone,

Tonight I did Upper Back

I have found that I like doing Upper Back by its self. Ok, here is what I did.

Triple Superset:
Solo flex Lat Pull Downs- 4x10
Heavy Db Rows- 4x10
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs- 3x12

Lee Priest Style Shrugs- 4x10 (do shrugs in front and then do them on the side.)
Sled High Pulls- (150 lbs) 50 yards x 3 sets

Bent Knee Sit Ups- 100 reps

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tuesday Feb. 2/24/16

Hi Guys,

Tonight was a Upper Back work night. I love training the upper back hard and separate from chest or legs. I do lots of lat work as lats are a major muscle group that is super important for over all power and strength in the body.

Super Trifecta-
Soloflex Lat Pull downs- 4x10-12 reps
Wide Grip Cable Lat rows- 4x15
Heavy Db Rows- 4x10 (These are done very heavy to build grip and lat strength and size.)

Priest Shrugs- 4x10-12 reps (These are done first in front and then on the sides)
Total Gym High Pulls- 4x10 (These can be done on a cable machine.)

Abs- Sellers V's (side ways V ups) 25 on each side.
Denise Austin Hip ups- 50 reps.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

MondayWorkout Feb 23, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I am really trying to get back to posting all the time. I hope I can do that now. I just have a lot going on. Its been 3 years now that my 27 year marriage broke up and you would not believe how hard it is to rebound from something like that. I lost my oldest son and my dad on top of that. In 18 months I was divorced, lost my son and my dad died. Some times life just sucks. Oh well, it time to get it back. Ok here is what I did this Monday night.

Incline Bench- I did 4 warm up sets x 10 reps, and then I did 185x8, 195x8, 215x8, 195x8
Solo Flex Bench- This is the only kind of bench I can still do after 2 Pec tears. I did 4x15.
Single Arm Db Shoulder Press- 4x8  I finshed with 70 lbs x 8 reps.
Abs- 100 v- ups

I hope all of you are well.

Coach Phipps

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Monday Feb 15,2016

Hi Everyone,

I did chest and shoulder's tonight. Everything hurt tonight, some nights are like this.At 53 years old shit hurts and tonight everything hurt. All of my old injuries are coming back to haunt me. LOL!

Incline Bench-I did 3warm ups x10 reps, then I went 185 x 10, 205x10, 215x8, 215x8

Soloflex Bench Press-4x10 The only kind of bench I can do anymore. With both pec's torn this is all I can do now.

Pec Deck- 4x10

Behind the Neck Shoulder Press- 4x6- I went 135x6,155x6,135x2x6

Abs-Bent Knee Sit Ups- 100 reps

I hope everyone is doing good


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Monday Feb 8, 2016

Chest Work-

Incline bench Press- 4 warm ups x10 reps, add weight to each rep. I started at 115. 3 Work Sets x10 reps, again add weight to each set the last set should be very heavy. I ended at 215x10.

Perfect Push Ups- 4x20-25 reps

Behind the neck shoulder Press- 3x10 I started at 135x6
Banded Laterals- You can do db laterals- Do 3x10

Abs- 75 V ups