Saturday, October 16, 2010

More on diet to get lean and mean

Here is some more info from what I have learned from Franco.

Eat fish- If the goal is getting lean fish is the best way to do that. Tuna, sole, red snapper, trout, salmon, and halibut are the best choices. Most of these can be purchased fresh and fairly cheap. If your goal is gaining mass eat beef and lots of it.

Eat green vegs- Broccli, green beans, peas, celery, ice burg lettuce.

Eat fresh fruit- pineapple, apples, plums, cherries, grapes, bananas, blueberries, rasberries. They must be fresh!

Drink 8-10 glasses of water, but not too much with your meal, as you will dilute your stomach acid and hinder digestion.

Drink wine or beer with your meals. Red wine is better, but white is ok. Beer is good for you just don't have more than one with your meal. I drink Samuel Adams lite, which only has 9 grams of carbs and tastes great.

Avoid- wheat produces of all kinds. Avoid corn as well. Rice is ok if your trying to gain weight.

Limit protein drinks because they are "dead protein". The reason Franco describes them as dead protein is because they are not flesh. Because they are not flesh they don't digest the same as flesh. The body can tell the difference.

I hope you'll add to your wisdom as I have and begin to apply these things into your diet.


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