Thursday, September 23, 2010

The blood type diet

Hi everyone,

I started eating for my blood type a few weeks ago and I feel great. I am blood type O, which is the most common blood type. How I came to this is research that I have been doing on paleolithic/neolithic man, and how they ate. The science shows that we have not changed much in the last 10,000-20,000 years. We were not created to eat grains, and believe it or not most european peoples are alergic to wheat and oats, which makes up a great deal of the American diet. I am mostly German in decent. Phipps is English and Johnson (my mom's maidian name) is Scandinavia. Great Britian was over run by the Anglo Saxons, who were Germans, the Angelo Saxon's killed off most of the native Britians, those they didn't kill were assimilated into them. Thus there are no genetic Britians remaining. That makes me a German.

Here is the type of food that is best for O positive people. I still eat dairy as it is impossible for me to get enough protein if I cut out dairy. Since I am German and Germans basically invited dairy I can get a way with it.

I would encourage all of you to know your blood type and then find out which foods suit you best, you'll be surprized how good you'll feel.

Coach Phipps

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